Wednesday, October 15, 2014

We're going to the World Series!!

Well, we're not technically going to the World Series, as tickets are currently going for $750+ a piece. So we'll be watching from the comfort of our home. But our Royals are headed there for the first time in 29 years! We're hoping they got the extra-inning, tight score stuff out of their systems & we can just win in regulation 9-inning, large margin games so our poor nerves can get a break!

(Ben is currently muttering something about the Royals in his sleep as I type this.)

Ben's after-school program put the game on the cafeteria's big pull-down screen, which probably saved the poor staff from getting score request updates from Ben every 2 minutes. Even Elizabeth's day care had the game going on the radio in the common area and out on the playground!  Our friend Eric went out looking for American League champion shirts after the game. They were sold out of adult sizes, but he kindly picked up one for Ben. Ben's school is allowing Royals shirts for the rest of the week instead of the regular uniform.

So we can breathe a little until next Tuesday, when it starts back up again! What an exciting ride!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

I can't tell you how much I delight in watching you enjoy your sports teams.
Ben looks good in royal blue.