I will be 34 weeks pregnant on Monday - only 6 weeks left! I am feeling okay, but have not been sleeping very well (it's becoming difficult to get comfortable for longer than a half hour) and the baby apparently thinks my esophagus & stomach are great squeeze toys, leading to acid reflux. But he's also still kicking up a storm, which is fun (and sometimes surprising, when he kicks all of a sudden) and the doctor says everything is looking good. We go in for our next OB appointment next Friday and also will be stopping by the hospital for our pre-admission appointment, where we fill out a bunch of forms and start the paperwork for the baby's birth certificate and social security card. We do not need to have a name to start the forms, which is good, since we're still undecided.
So a few weeks ago, I flew out to the Cincinnati area to spend the weekend with my roommates from UD. I was so happy that all 6 of us were able to make it. I guess I need to make some sort of offering to the traffic gods that preside over the freeways between the airport and the 427 Irving girls' homes, because I have obviously offended them in some way and have been cursed for it. The last time I flew out there was the same weekend as a huge, late-in-the-season blizzard. Poor Stephen picked me up from the airport, and it took us about 2 1/2 hours on snow-covered roads to make what is normally a 1-hr. trip. This time, traffic was pretty light until we got north of downtown.There was an accident on a major exit ramp, and the highway was a parking lot for what seemed like miles. It took Sarah & me somewhere between 1.5-1.75 hrs to make it to her house. Maybe next time I'll just try flying into the Dayton airport!
But we had a lovely, relaxing weekend. On Saturday, the girls had a baseball-themed shower for me. Sarah K. got creative and made a delicious baseball-shaped cake out of brownies and the rest of the food was ballpark-themed (hot dogs, peanuts, pretzels, etc.). They even made little baseball cards with mock statistics of what Baby O. might be like. I am praying very hard that the card that predicted his birth weight at 11 lbs. does not come true!!
Most of the 427 Irving kiddos were there, too, and "competed" in a hybrid bowling/baseball game where they attempted to knock down plastic pins by hitting the toy bowling ball with a bat. Here is Julia taking a turn:
They were assigned to represent different teams and Dana even coordinated them having team shirts!
Dave was excited to hear that Gideon (representing the Royals) had the highest score, although if you ask Gideon, he'll tell you that he and Leanne both won :) Gideon also did a great job keeping the secret of one of the shower gifts- an electronic dinosaur toy with a Royals logo on it. It's kind of like a Roomba- you turn it on, and it chugs across the floor with lights & music (we're still not sure what song) until it hits something, then turns around and heads in the other direction. Dave & I stood in fascination & watched it motor around the floor for about 10 minutes after I got home! (Yes, we're easily amused.)
We forgot to get a photo of all 6 of us together before Heather had to go home; we took the above one on Sunday morning before Robin, Dana & I headed back to our respective states.
The weekend's other excitement was the safe arrival of Heather & Jeremy's beautiful daughter Eliana! They were all exhausted from jet lag, but said she was an excellent traveler on the long flights back from Taiwan. I was very honored that H&J asked me to be Elli's godmother, and so thrilled that I got to meet her while I was in Ohio! Here she is with her overjoyed mommy, exploring those fascinating toys known as fingers:
She was still getting used to non-Mommy & Daddy people holding her, so the Sarahs & I waited until she fell asleep and then got to cuddle.
It was a lovely weekend, and seeing all my girls was so much fun!
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