Friday, September 3, 2010

Long weekend!

We are thrilled to have a long weekend so we can have a little down time. My friend Neilam, whom I've known since kindergarten, and his girlfriend Jen are flying in from California for the weekend. Their plane just touched down so Dave should be meeting them soon! Possibly on the agenda: Jack Stack barbecue, Union Station, KC Public Library & the bookshelf-facade parking garage (Jen is a grad student in library science and Ben & I haven't been there since the children's section was renovated), 75th Street Brewery, in*gre*di*ent for breakfast, and Neilam's favorite subs he can't get in Cali, Jimmy John's. We are also planning on trying a new recipe for these amazing-looking Nutella chocolate chip cookies!

Hope you all enjoy the Labor Day weekend!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

You are such a delightful foodie.