Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Two-week checkup

Elizabeth had her 2-week checkup at the pediatrician's office this morning. She is growing like a weed and everything looks good! We will go back again when she is two months old.

Birth stats:
Weight: 7 lbs, 6 oz.
Length: 18.5"

Stats @ 2 1/2 weeks:
Weight: 8 lbs, 11 oz!
Length: 21" - All of a sudden it seems like she is starting to get a little tall for some of her newborn one-piece outfits, so I guess this is why!

A few favorite photos from the last two weeks, since we have been lax in sharing:

 At the hospital in the ubiquitous striped baby hat that most American newborns seem to get.

Getting the kids started early on the road to geekdom - I knitted them both Jayne hats as seen on Joss Whedon's show "Firefly." Ben loves his "earflap hat." Elizabeth wasn't so sure of hers yet.

Comparison of Elizabeth (above) and Ben (below) around the same age

Elizabeth was fussing so we asked Ben to play his saxophone for her, something he'd talked about doing before she was born. She actually quieted down! He also sings to her sometimes; the other day he sang "Twinkle Twinkle" and then made up a song that consisted mainly of the word "horse" to the tune of "Here We Go Round the Mulberry Bush."


Elizabeth relaxing with Georgie the dog, who belonged to Grandma and then Daddy.

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