He also had fun crawling around the infant/toddler room
and sitting in the bank area.
The older kids also did a little baking & art project while Ben played in the toddler room. It was still kind of chilly outside so we'll have to try out the playground later in the year. There is also a ball pit and play kitchen that Ben might like on a quiet day, but they were too crowded for him this time. Even our 2-year-old friend had to stand w/his dad and watch for a few minutes before he decided to jump in to the ball pit!
By the time Ben got done with all those explorations, he was ready for a nap, which he desperately needed and grumpily refused to take. He is going through a massive teething stage right now, so we think that is a big part of it. Thankfully, he had at least taken a good morning nap. I had gone to wake him up so we could go meet our friends and he was all cuddled up with his stuffed animals. He just looked so sweet that I had to get the camera.
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