Wednesday, February 15, 2012

One month old!

At one month old, Elizabeth:
  • Still likes to sleep most of the day but is having more awake time
  • Loves being cuddled (we don't mind obliging!)
  • Often curls herself into the most awkward-looking positions when she's being held, but squawks if you try to reposition her
  • Has done pretty well when carried in the two wraps (a Moby and a borrowed ring sling) at home or out on short shopping excursions
  • Does not think much of the vitamin drops the pediatrician recommended (they stink!)
  • Has outgrown most of her newborn clothes at least in length
  • Thinks that turning the light out at night = time to eat, even if she'd just been fed a half hour earlier
  • Delights her brother when she opens her eyes and looks toward him

1 comment:

Grammie B said...

Happy one month birthday to you,sweet little
Elizabeth Grace;) Can;t wait to see you and be able to hold you soon.

And about the cuddling part....I'll be more than happy to oblige cuddling YOU for hours on end;)

Grammie B